Thursday, November 14, 2013

QR Codes in the Classroom

I am currently enrolled in three methods classes at MSMC.  Aside from my Social Studies Methods class, I am also taking Language Arts Methods and Math Methods.  In our Math Methods fieldwork we were assigned to work with students one on one.  My student was not engaged by the worksheets I was creating for her and I could tell she would enjoy a more interactive way to learning.  I thought back in to my Social Studies class and how we completed a QR Code hunt.  I thoughtI could use this idea in my Math Methods class too.  I was so excited to use what I learned in Dr. Smirnova's classroom about QR Codes!  I created laminated cards with different three-digit subtraction problems.  On the cards, I placed a QR Code that told the student the answer once she completed the problem.  It was a hit!! The student and teacher both loved the idea.  The student had such a great time with it she challenged me to create a math game using QR codes for next time.  The great part to this was that this project was easy and FREE to create  and view the QR codes.  Most importantly though, the student was engaged and had a good experience with math!

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