Monday, September 9, 2013

Teaching Powerful Social Studies!

Today in class we discussed elements of powerful Social Studies and how teach effectively.  I think making Social Studies meaningful is an idea that is necessary in our society.  To engage students and have them make connections to the world around them is SO important.  I think this is forgotten in classroom sometimes. I know this was forgotten when I was in school a long, long time ago!  Also, to make Social Studies integrative, to include all subjects in their learning is another important aspect we cannot forget about.  Another powerful element of teaching Social Studies effectively is when lessons are value-based.  This is important to develop critical thinking skills in our young students.  We as teachers have to make sure our lessons are challenging enough to students to encourage them to learn.  Goals need to obtainable for students.  Teachers need to know when to lead and when to support the leadership of their students in lessons.  I feel that the most important concept is when they are active.  To keep your students actively engaged in learning is important in all studies.  Teachers must also be active in their learning process, always adapting their lessons to the needs of their students.  This really ties in all aspects of meaningful teaching.  Being able to adjust lessons and make new decisions for your students on what is taught is crucial in successful teaching!  I found what we learned in today's class to be so imperative in our journey to become teachers.  This reading has inspired me.  I want to light a fire in students, to create a desire to learn about the world around them, be self-motivated in the process and become better citizens.  I want this for every student.  If I could accomplish this one goal...I know I would be making an excellent impact on students.

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