History to some may mean something different. Some people, for instances historians, believe that when our past is study in a chronological way and it is interpreted, explains events and shows us the truth. Though the definition of history in school is much more diverse. The goal of studying history in school is not just to inform our students of the past but it is also to create "responsible citizens." This is done when a student is aware of their culturally background and others of the world. The only way to accomplish this is by discovering our past.
There are so many benefits from studying history. By studying history it helps the students identify who they are and how they "fit" into this world. Imagine not knowing about your past ancestors and where you came from? This helps students create an identity and sense of who they are and where they are going. Secondly, history helps you understand other subjects. History easily ties into other humanities in school and will help create a well-rounded student. Third, history helps create a sense of national identity. We are one nation and we stand together. This is important for students to grasp. It creates a sense of community. Studying history will definitely develop a citizen with good morals and sense of "we are all in this together!"
Chapter 11 also discusses as the Bradley Commission of 1989 refers to "habits of the mind." These are intellectual skills that are developed due to the study of history. I thought these were particularly interesting because, honestly, I never considered the many benefits of history. I have always enjoyed learning about our past but never considered what I was receiving in return for studying it. The Bradley Commission states what skills are developed when studying history:
- Understanding the past is significant to individuals and society
- Comprehend the diversity of cultures and shared humanity
- Comprehend the interplay of change and continuity
- Accept uncertainties of life - so important!
- Consider conclusions and generalizations as tentative
- Read widely and critically
Students develop all this just from exploring our past! Amazing! With these "habits of the mind" being developed, I do not know why history is not influenced more in schools today.
The bottom line is that studying history is imperative, it is a must. Without history in our schools students will not understand how far we have come, be able to learn from our mistakes and celebrate our successes.
I definitely agree with you that studying history is so important. I really like how you said that history creates a sense of community. It is so important for students to learn history and learn about the world around. I also really like how you talk about a student can learn about themselves and and where they fit in. Culture is very important in today's society and without it we would not know anything about our cultures without history!